Monday, April 24, 2006

Canada Post Gets It

CUPW and Canada Post agree on something for once.

Canada Post lowers flags in Edmonton to honour military bomb ...

One of the fallen soldiers, Lieut. William Turner, was a part-time army reservist who worked in the city as a letter carrier. The Canadian Union of Postal Workers asked that the flags be lowered and Canada Post has agreed, said Ramon Antipan, president of the CUPW local.

"It is important because (Turner) was one of our members," Antipan said. "He truly believed in the mission. This is in recognition for what he was doing."

Antipan said the union has also received permission for staff to wear black ribbons or arm bands.

While the Harpocrite continues to avoid the body bags and the lowering of the flag in order to avoid responsibility for the deaths caused by his ChickenHawk policy of not cutting and running.

Now he says he won't do the decent thing and show up Canadian Forces Trenton to observe the return of the bodies of his fallen men, cause it might be a photo op for the Taliban. I knew the Harper had a low opinion of the media but they are not the Taliban. And I don't think the Taliban read the National Post. What a coward, cluck, cluck.

Now think if CUPW takes it a step further since one of their own was killed and launches a Get Out Now campaign. Harper will face his own political fire-fight.

In a ceremony that has become all-too familiar at Kandahar airfield, the flag-draped casket of a Canadian soldier is carried into the open belly of a Hercules on Monday. (CP / Murray Brewster)

In a ceremony that has become all-too familiar at Kandahar airfield, the flag-draped casket of a Canadian soldier is carried into the open belly of a Hercules on Monday. (CP / Murray Brewster) Defence minister defends change in flag policy

Apparently the above picture will give succour to the Taliban. So sez Stephen Bush, err George Harper.

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