Sunday, April 09, 2006

Choice in Child Care

These folks would qualify for the Conservatives new childcare payment.

Grandparents guilty in death

The grandparents of a five-year-old boy who was locked up and left to wither and die in a cold, fetid room, were convicted of second-degree murder yesterday in what police said was one of the worst cases of child abuse in Canada.

Elva Bottineau, 54, and Norman Kidman, 53, were supposed to save Jeffrey Baldwin and his siblings from a life of abuse at the hands of their parents.

Instead, the pair used the children as a source of income, collecting government cheques in their names while confining the young ones to what police described as "a horrible room" that was "harsh, dark, cold and damp."

And this is the choice in childcare that they have been promoting, not child care spaces but the right of parents to choose to leave their kids with whomever they want, or can afford to.

In this case the State in its wisdom left these children in the care of their loving grandparents. Cause families are the best for raising children.

Now had this happened in a daycare the hue and cry of the right wing would be heard across the land. Of course that same hue and cry will not be heard as they will attempt to justify their 'family values' ideology by claiming this is an isolated case. Except that it isn't.

More of my articles on Daycare

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  1. I was very impressed with your piece on Slavery.

    I don't understand you trying to take the evil acts of a person(s) and related them to choice in childcare.
    Are you saying Conservatives are evil?
    Are you saying that only the government can be trusted to raise children?
    What of the 46% of children being raised by a parent or guardian now, should the gov't move in?
    I don't get it?

  2. oh, silly me.
    'communist blogger', sorry, I missed that.

  3. I differentiate between public daycare, and the state. Public daycare as in the Kibbutizim movement, the idea that as communities we raise and educate children is not the same thing as State institutionalization, which normally we extend to prisons and mental institutions, the idea of locking folks away.
    Community non profit daycare and childcare shows that children, which even conservatives admit are a 'national resource' or 'our future' reflect the social nature of the family.
    It is ironic that conservatives who say the family is the basis of the state, err sorry of society, fail to understand that society has the right to determine how their children are raised since we pay for them in the long run.

    This is an issue long supported by libertarians like Benjamin Tucker.

    You missed the 'libertarian' in 'libertarian communist'
