Thursday, April 06, 2006

Headline From Ontario

Alta. shuffles cabinet as MPPs jockey to replace Klein

Alberta Premier Ralph Klein has shuffled his cabinet to fill vacancies left by ministers departing to...

This is the headline from Global TV News/Canada. com written in Ontario, by an Ontarion for Ontarion's.

Because in Alberta we have MLA's, Members of the Legislative Assembly, NOT MPPs.

I can understand the thinking of the headline writer, we wouldn't want to confuse Ontario readers with a term they are not familiar with now would we....poor easily confused Ontarions.

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  1. 1) We prefer "Denizens of the Centre of the Universe" or if that's too rich for your taste, Ontarians (with an A).

    2) This is just one more piece of evidence for the Canadian inferiority complex. Northerners view the rest of Canada the way the rest of Canada views Ontario the way Ontarians view Toronto the way we all view the Americans.

  2. Don't you mean Ontario with an 'eh'.
