Friday, April 07, 2006

Judas the Obscure

No longer.

A newly released translation of the Gospel of Judas, coming of course from the Gnostic Dead Sea Scrolls, reveals that Judas was not the traitor he is smeared as in the Gospels of the syncophants; Mark and Luke.

Time line since discovery of Gospel of Judas

The text's existence has been known since it was denounced as heresy by the bishop of Lyon in A.D. 180, but its contents had remained an almost total mystery. Unlike the four gospels of the New Testament, it describes conversations between Jesus and Judas Iscariot during the week before Passover in which Jesus tells Judas "secrets no other person has ever seen."The other apostles pray to a lesser God, Jesus says, and he reveals to Judas the "mysteries of the kingdom" of the true God. He asks Judas to help him return to the kingdom, but to do so, Judas must help him abandon his mortal flesh: "You will sacrifice the man that clothes me," Jesus tells Judas, and acknowledges that Judas "will be cursed by the other generations."

Rather as the radical zealot in the liberation army of the Jews at the time, Judas was key to the Passover Plot. To radicalize the Jewish community into a mass uprising, with the symbolic death and ressurection of the Messiah myth being played out in public

According to this book Jesus had planned everything precisely: so that he would not be on the cross for more than a few hours before the Sabbath arrived when it was required that Jews be taken down; that one of his supporters, who was on hand, would give him some water to quench his thirst that was laced with a drug to make him unconscious; and that Joseph of Arimathea, a well-connected supporter, would get him released off the cross while still alive (but appearing dead) so that he could be nursed back to health in the tomb under the safety of the Sabbath.

It is this Gnostic mythology that is celebrated in Progressive Rock Album; Jesus Christ Superstar, and the heretical movie; The Last Temptation of Christ.

If anything is guarnteed to shake up the Pauline church, both the Orthodox and Catholic, this will. For modern Christianity does not originate in the faith of the Jews or Essenes or even the Gnostics of the time, it is the State Religion of Empire, of Constantine and the Pauline heresy of de-judaizing Jesus.

Ironic eh, Judas, Judah, Jews, de-judaizing, the very origin of anti-semitism within Christianity begins with Judas betrayl, a radical Jew a Zealot, then the blaming of Philistines for denying Jesus, etc. The origin of Revisionist History begins with Saul/Paul and the Pauline church which will now face its historic cumupeance with this revelation.

Just in time for Easter, which has nothing to do with Jesus at all, any more than Christmas has.

And of course this is really going to help the sales of the Da Vinci Code.

And did you know that Jesus had a brother?

His name was James and his gospel has yet to be translated.

And of course this is still more heresy.

Op-Ed Contributor The Gospel Truth Elaine Pagels

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  1. The Christian Fundies will never accept this. This might as well be a new fossil discovery. They will not accept anything new that contradicts their book and beliefs.

    That being said, this is just another fable written way after the fact. The fact being, there was no Jesus who lived between 1 and 33 or 34 AD.

  2. Oh you mean a new fossil discovery like this one

  3. Yep, I wrote about that one too:)
