Sunday, April 16, 2006

National ID Card

Yep coming to a government office near you the new Canadian Bio-Metric National ID card. Why cause George Bush says so. U.S. says border passport a must

But our PM and his Peter of course toughed it out with the Americans and now;
Border ID cards coming, PM says

Yep tough negotiators those Tories, can't wait till Stockwell Day meets with the Republican Homeland Security folks in the U.S.
MacKay makes no headway in slowing controversial border ID plan

Of course no-one will admit that their whole border issue is not about security but good old fashioned Yankee anti-Mexican immigration jingoism.

And while these ID cards will be embraced by those who live on both sides of the Canada US border the likelyhood of them being embraced by folks in North Carolina or Georgia is well zip, nada, zero.

But don't worry the majority of Americans don't travel farther than a few hunderd miles from home. To them thats a big deal. We are dealing with an insular nation of navel gazers, here folks.

America is a nation who in order to keep Mexican and Central American migrants out will impose a National ID card on us. And of course the Security Statist Tories will push it through for their own authoritarian purposes. And they will be supported by the Liberals who already planned for the National ID cards.

So where is the outrage from the right wing Liberaltarians and their ilk at the Blogging Tories?


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    It's funny how Canadians think that everything that we do is about them. National ID, whether you want to have one or not, that's your issue. Don't cross the border. Otherwise follow our laws. It's American internal affairs. US is a sovereign nation. No one will dictate what or what we will not implement in our own country or what requirements we have for our OWN citizens. Sounds familiar? I seem to remember this from the last election when we were just asking to tone down the anti American rhetoric because we are "supposedly friends". Nobody is forcing you to do anything.
