Saturday, April 08, 2006

Your Anti-Sealing Donation At Work

So round two of the anti-sealing fund raising campaign begins.

Newfoundland seal hunt starts April 12

The psuedo-boycotts called by Sea Sheperd and the Humane Society of the United States, and the fundraising calls of Stop the Hunt by the IFAW, are now in full swing. Sign up now and send us your money. As the famous American saying goes; There is a sucker born every minute.

The psuedo boycotts.

The Humane Society of the United States conttrary to its name is niether.It has nothing to do with local or regional Humane societies, but is a tax free charitable way for its owners to make money. They do not forward their funds to other 'Humane' Society's for animal welfare. They keep it to use for their various campaigns. In the United States it is extremely easy to form a charity or religious charity, its part of the Tax Avoidance culture of our southern neighbours. It is also not a society perse but a tax free corporation. One which has been charged with illicit use of funds.
Red Cross, Humane Society Under Investigation

A True Multinational Corporation

HSUS is a multinational conglomerate with ten regional offices in the United States and a special Hollywood Office that promotes and monitors the media’s coverage of animal-rights issues. It includes a huge web of organizations, affiliates, and subsidiaries. Some are nonprofit, tax-exempt “charities,” while others are for-profit taxable corporations, which don’t have to divulge anything about their financial dealings.

This unusually complex structure means that HSUS can hide expenses where the public would never think to look. For instance, one HSUS-affiliated organization called the HSUS Wildlife Land Trust collected $21.1 million between 1998 and 2003. During the same period, it spent $15.7 million on fundraising expenses, most of which directly benefited HSUS. This arrangement allowed HSUS to bury millions in direct-mail and other fundraising costs in its affiliate’s budget, giving the public (and charity watchdog groups) the false impression that its own fundraising costs were relatively low.

Until 1995 HSUS also controlled the Humane Society of Canada (HSC), which Irwin had founded four years earlier. But Irwin, who claimed to live in Canada when he set up HSC, turned out to be ineligible to run a Canadian charity (He actually lived in Maryland). Irwin’s Canadian passport was ultimately revoked and he was replaced as HSC’s executive director.

The new leader later hauled HSUS into court to answer charges that Irwin had transferred over $1 million to HSUS from the Canadian group. HSUS claimed it was to pay for HSC’s fundraising, but didn’t provide the group with the required documentation to back up the expenses. In January 1997 a Canadian judge ordered HSUS to return the money, writing: “I cannot imagine a more glaring conflict of interest or a more egregious breach of fiduciary duty. It demonstrates an overweening arrogance of a type seldom seen.”

HSUS has called for a boycott of Canadian seafood by resteraunts and stores across North America. This is not a real boycott it is an orchestrated PR campaign, which is what their donations pay for. That and celebrity visits to the ice and their sign on to their campaign. So far the so called boycott of Canadian Sea Food has not been more than a clever paper campaign. It looks good on paper and in press releases but in reality it is a smoke screen to cover for HSUS using the seal hunt to raise money for administration and salaries. Boycott a sham
Humane Society of the United States' Canadian seafood boycott is a sham.

Not to be out done is Captain Paul Watson of Sea Sheperd Society, again a society in name only for this tax avoidance corporation whose sole purpose is to keep the good Captain in funds for his sea faring operations. His board members are names for the purpose of keeping a high profile in the green movement. They can and are replaced on a whim if required, as was done last year when one of his more controversial board members was found to have advocated the murder and assisination of medical researchers who used animals in their experiments.

Sea Sheperd of course made news again this year, with the Bardot and McCartney visits to Canada. In the case of Bardot they used the same old cute furry white coat image and her thirty year old movie about the seal hunt. As if nothing had changed. They too have called for a boycott of Costco if it didn't drop seal oil capsules from its stock. Prematurely calling a victory Sea Sheperd is now outraged when Costco under pressure from its consumers in Newfoundland, retracted its offer to Sea Sheperd.

Sea Shepherd readies Costco boycott
CBC - Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada - 6 Apr 2006
Costco's decision to restock seal oil capsules will spark an international backlash, an anti-sealing organization says. The Sea ...
Costco relists omega-3 seal oil capsules saying removal ... Canada East

Again its not as if thousands of shoppers across North America will bother with boycotting Costco. What the money Sea Sheperd raises will be used to promote slick ad campaigns, and a media campaign, complete with celebrity endorsements calling for a boycott of Costco. Its impact on Costco or the Seal Hunt will be minimal. Its economic benefit will be strictly used to line the pockets of Captain Watson.

Stopping the Seal Hunt NOT

The International Fund for Animal Welfare, IFAW, has launched its annual seal hunt fund raiser in cyberspace, inundating Yahoo and other search engines with its Stop the Hunt ads. As if it could. The hunt will not be stopped by protests, as the past thirty years have proven.

The Government has no intention of stopping the hunt as Newfoundland fishers have had to rely on it more and more ,as they have lobster and shell fish, as a replacement for cod/turbo and other fishing which is on the decline.
So the calls for donations by the IFAW to stop the hunt are disingeuous at best and a deceitful con otherwise.

Ottawa refuses $16M offer to end seal hunt
The businesswoman is a member of the International Fund for Animal Welfare and an adviser to the Humane Society of the United States. Both organizations are opposed to the seal hunt.

And when the seal hunt ends, these same groups will now move on to attacking fishers for lobster fishing, as their agenda is to end all forms of animal consumption. They have no concern for humans or animals they are only concerned with promoting their dietary morality. Paid for with donations to their psuedo seal hunt protests.

U.S. District Court Denies Humane Society of the United States' Request for Preliminary Injunction; Horse Owners Preserve Option of Humane Treatment Offered by Processing Plants
In the U.S., horses are slaughtered in the identical way to cattle, and are protected under USDA's humane slaughter regulations.

"The chief executive officer of the multi-million dollar Humane Society of the United States once stated that his personal goal was the abolition of all animal agriculture," said Charlie Stenholm, Senior Government Affairs Advisor, Olsson, Frank and Weeda and spokesperson for the three processing plants. "I'm happy to say, he's lost a very important battle today, and animal agriculture won."

"These radical groups are determined to stop the meat processing industry with whatever it takes -- full page ads in The New York Times, or filing frivolous lawsuits with no standing. In the mean time, I've not seen them put one penny of their money toward actually caring for unwanted horses. It's a problem they'd like to sweep away and pretend doesn't exist," said Stenholm.

In the end it is the economy of Newfoundland that is being affected directly and indirectly by these protests. Far more than it is by the hunt itself, which would be abandoned if large scale industrial trawler processing plants overfishing was halted off the Grand Banks. That is the real issue and one worth protesting.

B&B operator worries negative seal hunt publicity will hurt NL

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  1. Excellent article Eugene! I had a look at HSUS financial statement from their website. In 1978 Paul Watson told Barbara Frum in an interview that it is the seal hunt that is the easiest and greatest fundraiser for various ARA groups. I am interested to find out how much money these groups get as a result of the annual protest fundraiser. If you have any information on that I would love to hear it. I've emailed the Center for Consumer Freedom about this but have not heard back. We might never know for sure as revenues like this may be hidden under various named income.
    .. Great writing style.

  2. I particularly appreciate the last two sentences of your post. Although I think the bludgeoning of seals is horrific, I can see the why it's happening - both for economic and fish management reasons. Man's intervention and poor fishing practices have created numerous problems for various wildlife. If only we were good stewards of the bounty around us! Thanks for your thoughtful and well researched post.
