Saturday, May 13, 2006

Basket Case

Inflation rate exceeds 1,000 percent in Zimbabwe

Gee that was the inflation rate in Weimar Germany prior to the rise of the fascists. Except in this case the fascists already rule in Zimbabwe. Mugabe is practicing what Schumpeter called creative destruction,
"capitalism is revitalized by waves of creative destruction." Unfortunately for Zimbabweans the emphasis has been less on creation and more on destruction. The political policies of Mugabe are closer to those of Pinochet when he came to power in Chile. And while Mugabe is a statist and Pinochet was a free marketeer the results are the same.

Zimbabwe: Top Banks Face Crisis

As Zimbawe's economy collapses, a tiny few make huge profits
April 25: In the second of our dispatches from inside Robert Mugabe's tightly controlled country, the Guardian discovers one of the world's most surreal and successful stock exchanges.
24.04.06: Behind a facade of normality, Zimbabwe is falling apart

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