Monday, May 29, 2006

Border Insecurity

Playing the card of National Security xenophobic racist white Americans are planning to close all their borders.

The Mexican border is only one focus of groups like the Minutemen the other is the US Canada border.

Less pronounced perhaps, but still there is the plan.

I was watching the Minutemen on the news yesterday building their own private security wall in Arizona. And they were flashing Minutemen Close the Border signs, which not only showed a fence on the Mexico border but also one on the Canadian border between Washington State and B.C.

Which makes the jingoist statist idea of National ID/ Passports/BioMetric cards even more stupid. Of course the US has no such national ID card yet though they have passed legislation on it. Its all smoke and mirrors.

Many would go to U.S. less if ID plan became law: poll

Canada wins minor victory in US border dispute

Its not about Security, thats just the face card. It's the joker in the pack that is driving this; racist anti-immigration xenophobes of the Protestant Right in America. In other words good old American Nativism.

American Nativism, 1830-1845
During the 1830s and 1840s Americans with nativist sentiments made a concerted effort to enter into the local and national political arenas. Nativism's political relevance grew out of the increase of immigrants during the ‘20s and ‘30s and the anti-foreign writings that abounded during these decades. While pivoting between anti-foreign and anti-catholic appeals, nativism became both practical and ideological in nature: platforms for the movement ranged from extending the length naturalization to protecting the sacredness of the Protestant Republic. In New York city's 1844 elections, the nativist movement formed the American Republican Party, which allied with the Whigs and resulted in the defeat of the Democratic Party. This political advancement, although local and short lived, presented a glimpse of the national nativist power later found in the know- nothings. Clearly, early nineteenth-century nativism participated in significant political changes, and the goal of this paper is to summarize nativism between 1830 and 1845 while analyzing these major political developments.

Border history repeated
Just as the Bush administration sees Canada as an indifferent ally in the war on terror, in late 1864 Abraham Lincoln's administration felt much the same way. Annoyed by raids across the frontier by Confederate States agents based in Canada and puzzled by Canadian sympathy for the Southern cause, Lincoln decided to act, ending the laissez-faire attitude towards cross-border traffic that had existed for half a century.Although the law lasted just three months, it stifled trade, created long lines at the border and was condemned in the court of public opinion on both sides of the frontier. But just as the Bush administration's actions have forced Canada to take notice, so did Lincoln's. John A. Macdonald formed a border police and Parliament passed a law aimed at dealing with suspected terrorists.

Also see: Migration

Build A Wall And They Will Still Come

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