Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Build A Wall And They Will Still Come

I am surprised that no one has noted the American fetish for building a wall along the border with Mexico is modeled on the Israeli wall in Palestine. Which was declared illegal by the International Court in the Hague.

Of course some folks might think that given the fascist nature of the United States that they are modeling it on the old Berlin Wall.

Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood

And with the xenophobic nationalism that is being raised by the right wing media in the US, and yes I include CNN, one could be forgiven for thinking that Bush's speech last night was a bit of sturm and drang for the right wing.
Public Supports Troops on Border

What was that saying the Republicans had during the Cold War? Oh yes; Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall.

My how times have changed. Now they are saying Build the Wall.
Patrol won't halt Mexican wave

Beefing up security on the Mexican border is mostly a symbolic gesture. Border patrol numbers have been rising inexorably for 20 years, with scarcely a dent in the number of immigrants who make it past them. Desperate people will find a way: East Germany used to shoot fugitives trying to escape across the Berlin wall, but people still took their chances and made it across. Bush cannot satisfy the demands of those who want the Mexican border sealed. Bush's border dispute

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