Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Gun Nutz

Blue Grit asks "This issue really baffles me. I cannot for the life of me understand why any reasonable person would oppose registering guns. "

The problem is that those opposed to the gun registry, are not reasonable. They are gun nutz. They are Canadians who wanna be Americans, they view gun control and the gun registry as attacks on their right to bear arms. Though we have no such rights enshrined in Canadian law or the constitution.

They are right wingers, red necks, psuedo-libertarians, social conservatives, cheerleaders for the NRA.

Not all gun owners fall into this group of politicos, nor do all shooters (such as sports shooters), but these are the kinds of gun-nutz that oppose gun control.

Gun control. Not just gun registration. They have opposed gun control since it was expanded by the Trudeau government. Oh and they hate the liberal state. Liberal, they drool passionately in a pavlovian manner, spittle forming on their lips as they relish the thought of blasting away at all politicians.

I know I have met most of them at one time or another. Don't believe me go check out a gun show. They are proud of the fact that their politics are to the right of Attila the Hun. And they will tell you so.

Take Dave Tomlinson of the National Firearms Association (NFA), who modeled this organization on the US NRA. He is as fuzzy a thinker as the fuzz on his face. This grizzled would be mountain man spouts all the rhetoric of those gun nutz south of the border.

Consistency is not part of their platform. They want law and order, more cops, and their guns. Yet the cops don't want them to have guns, want gun control and the gun registry. So ya gotta scratch your head and say huh?

These gun nutz helped create the Reform Party, and they are also the folks who want to get tough on criminals, you know lock em up, bring back the lash, throw away the key.

Bring back the lash. Yep they like that idea. Except then they go on talk shows and say how they will break the law and not register their guns. No way, can't make me, pry my gun from my cold dead fingers.

So if they go to jail for not registering their guns can we give em the lash and throw away the key.

There is no logic to their argument. Its political. Its Republicanism in Canada. Its stupid. Its unreasonable.

We register our cars, we have drivers licenses, we can register our guns, and carry our Firearms licences. Anything else is right wing loonie whining.

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  1. Also Eugene, don't forget, that attempts to get Aboriginals to register their family hunting rifles with some guy who visited the reserve from Ottawa were also dismal failures. There was as far as I recall some 95% rate of non-compliance on reserves. It wasn't based on anything ideological... it was just an issue of sovereignty and also one of really not trusting the Feds with taking this information and not using it for really awful bad purposes.

    For example... say there is a protest of some sorts. And the RCMP gets jumpy, even if there is no violence nor has there been any use of a firearm even just as a show of self-defence. The scenario most people envisioned was one where if you registered your hunting rifle - the RCMP would probably, pre-emptively sweep through the reserve to all those homes whether they were involved in the protest or not, and lock up everybody with a gun. That seemed liked sound reasoning to me. And lets face it, with Oka, Ipperwash, Gustafsen, and Burnt Church fresh in the minds of Aboriginals -- it doesn't seem like a stretch that this is something FedGovCorp would do with the info.

  2. First off, You would have much more credibility If you did not try to strengthen your comments with attacks on the character of gun owners.
    Most Canadian gun owners follow the laws even if they don't agree with them.
    The right to own firearms is debatable, perhaps we do not have it written in an exact way like the American constitution, but we do as Canadians have a right to freedom.
    Also, what leads you to think that the gun registry is useful in any way? Why on earth would a criminal use a registered weapon? Wouldn't it just make it easier for them to be tracked down by the police? Give your head a shake.
