Monday, May 15, 2006

Harpers Made In America Green Plan

Like everything else the Harpocrite does his governments environment policy comes from the Republican playbook. Conservative climate strategy said to be inspired by US communications expert

And that policy whether Made In America or Made In Canada is not a solution to Global Warming, Climate Change or even good for creating hybrid cars.

The new "Made in Canada" plan is expected to be based upon the current U.S. government policy that the Bush administration adopted in 2002 after rejecting Kyoto. In other words, the new emissions plan is not really being made in Canada. Even the title is an uncreative copy of the "Made in America" label used by President George Bush.It is worth examining the problem with a U.S.-style policy. In 2002, the Bush administration called for a reduction in the greenhouse gas intensity of the U.S. economy by 18 per cent by 2012. The greenhouse gas intensity is not the total emissions; it is the greenhouse gas emissions per dollar of GDP. The catch is that the greenhouse gas intensity of the U.S., of Canada, and of virtually every industrialized country has been decreasing for years as our economies become more productive and our technology improves. How much? Here's the funny coincidence. In the U.S., the greenhouse gas intensity decreased by about 18 per cent between 1990 and 2000. In other words, the Bush administration climate policy is just a statement about staying the course. It does absolutely nothing to address climate change.

Simon Donner is a Toronto-born research scientist based at Princeton University.

And if nothing is done, which is what the Conservatives Made In Canada plan will do, the result will be?

Christian Aid has demanded greater carbon dioxide emission cuts

The Christian Aid charity has warned that 184 million people in Africa alone could die as a result of climate change before the end of the century.

Climate-induced floods, famine, drought and conflict could reverse recent gains in reducing poverty, it says.

Its report says rich nations must aid poorer ones to adopt non-fossil-fuel energy sources such as solar power.

The report comes as almost 190 states gather in Bonn, Germany, to discuss climate change.

The Christian Aid report, entitled The Climate of Poverty: Facts, Fears and Hopes, says rich countries must end their dependence on fossil fuels and aid poorer nations to switch to wind, solar and wave energies.

Also See

Harper is Bush-Lite

Global Warming


Climate Change

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