Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Kyoto Opps

Now whose embarrassed? Canada is not the only country that has admitted Kyoto is a failure. Deal with it. Carbon credits are a joke. The only way to reduce green house gases is to actually use scrubbers and pollution reduction, as well as adopting a policy of industrial ecology. Anything else is platitudes. As any proponent of Social Ecology will attest to.

The European Commission admitted Monday that member states had given companies far too generous targets for greenhouse gas emissions last year, raising questions about the Continent's ability to meet its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol and triggering chaos in Europe's embryonic market in trading emissions credits. The revelations, some of which had been leaked earlier in the month, prompted Germany and Britain to call for stricter European quotas for greenhouse gas emissions in the years ahead. Europe set bar low on greenhouse gas targets

IE and China's Circular Economy Initiative

China's top leadership has instituted a potentially far-reaching transformation of the economy to a more closed-loop system, with industrial ecology and cleaner production methods as the foundation for the strategy of transformation. The proposed goal is a ten-fold increase in productivity and efficiency of production. This is likely to become the most strategically significant application of industrial ecology, given China huge population and consumption of global resourdes. See our overview of this initiative.

More on Kyoto

Also see:
A Critique of Kyoto Capitalism Is NOT Sustainable

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the term social ecology, Eugene. I now have a name for what I believe and do.
