Saturday, May 27, 2006

Make Up Your Mind

Sunlight healthy in small quantities

In what has turned out to be a delicate balancing act, the group is advising that while too much time in the sun raises the risk of skin cancer, avoiding it entirely can lead to a deficiency in vitamin D -- and that may elevate the risk of other types of cancers and diseases.

Cancer research is another form of social hysteria fueled by speculation, and lack of empirical data, by the medical pharmaceutical establishment.

Like the myth of Second Hand Smoke and the myth that
associates Lung Cancer with smoking.

Cancer is a direct result of the industrial revolution, it is the 'social disease' of capitalism. Of course a little bit of sushine never hurt anyone. Even if the Ozone layer is being depleted. Another result of industrial development.

We ban sunshine and cigarettes because it's easier than banning capitalism.

What does this tell you when the environmental causes of cancer have NOT been studied by the medical pharmecutical establishment till now.

The University of Pittsburgh has created a center—considered the first of its kind anywhere—that will identify environmental causes of cancer. The center’s first director is more than ready to do battle against the disease. In fact, battles are her specialty.

Cancer Crusade

Now as director of the new Center for Environmental Oncology, a collaborative venture between the Graduate School of Public Health and the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Davis will be fighting to find environmental causes of cancer. The center is the only one of its kind within a cancer institute, says Bernard Goldstein, professor and retiring GSPH dean.

The first project is a collaboration between the center and the University’s Center for Minority Health that will investigate why more young Black women have breast cancer than their White counterparts. They will examine whether beauty products for African American women contribute to increased occurrences of breast cancer. Environment isn’t limited to forests, rivers, lakes, fields, and sky. It is what we eat, what we use, and what we wear. Beauty products that target African American women often contain estrogen. This affects women in a few ways. For instance, these products might induce early menstruation, and researchers believe that women who menstruate earlier are more likely to get breast cancer. And it’s commonly believed that higher levels of estrogen contribute to increased risks of breast cancer. If African American women are using products that increase the level of estrogen in their bodies, they may be at higher risk.

Bad Air a 'Genetic Risk'

Hamilton scientists' findings show genetic damage from the tiny chemically coated particles of soot regularly spewed out by both industry smokestacks and vehicle exhaust pipes. Soot particles mutate genes in male mice, scientists find. Genetic mutations passed along to offspring via sperm.

Rare lung cancer is leaving sorrowful legacy among working class

Mesothelioma, caused by asbestos, may one day strike rescuers and survivors of World Trade Center attacks

Lung Cancer in a Steel City: A Personal Historical Perspective

In my 1972-74 studies, the male death rate from lung cancer in the most heavily polluted residential zone was 65/100,000, which was 2.83 times higher than the national average of 23/100,000 (2), compared with a 2.42 times higher rate reported in a 1988 study of the same zone involving a correction for age which reduced the ratio to 1.99, along with an additional correction for smoking which further decreased the ratio to 1.40 (5). In terms of my own experience, I suspect that the correction(s) for smoking might be excessive, because the lung cancer victims which I studied had not smoked as many cigarettes as did their "white collar" colleagues. Nevertheless, the main point to remember is that even a suspected over-correction of the raw data revealed a significant difference in lung cancer deaths between the heavily polluted zone and other areas, even when based on "guestimates" calculated 14 years later.

Age and smoking-adjusted lung cancer incidence in a Utah county with a steel mill.

In a recent study of urban air pollution, a Utah county with a steel mill was compared with a county without a steel mill. The result was that 38% of respiratory cancer deaths could be attributed to the air pollution emanating from the mill.

Lung cancer among steelworkers in Ontario.
In internal comparisons within the steel companies, increased lung cancer risk was observed among foundry, coke oven, and pouring pit workers. Retrospective hygiene assessment suggested that the increased risk of lung cancer among steel pourers might be related to the use of tar-based mold coating agents or to exposure to mineral fibers.

Male Breast Cancer
Men who work in steel mills, blast furnaces, rolling mills, or other environments of intense heat have a slightly increased incidence of breast cancer ...

Pollution Poses High Cancer Risk

Residents in Indiana’s heavily industrialized areas - particularly Lake County and Indianapolis - face an elevated risk of developing cancer from breathing air pollution, according to a new federal analysis.

The study released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is the agency’s most ambitious look to date at cancer risks from breathing chemicals.

In its National Air Toxics Assessment, the EPA studied 133 chemicals emitted in 1999 by businesses and traffic. It outlines lifetime cancer risks in states, counties and census tracts.

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