Friday, May 19, 2006

No Need For Sheriff Dodge

Canada April inflation lags
In the U.S., core inflation was 3.6%, whereas the Canadian number was reported at 1.6% . This morning's tame inflation numbers belie the other stats and may result in the Bank of Canada being forced to the sidelines, for if inflation numbers continue a trend that showed today, there will be little need for the Bank to be in the market.

So when will David Dodge retire, there's nothing for him to do. The economy takes care of itself.

``The Canadian dollar is keeping inflation relatively tame,'' Kwan said. That ``may be reflected in the statement.''Canadian Prices, Excluding Gas, Unexpectedly Decline in April

Only the Globe and Mail could turn this good news story on its head.
Canadian inflation edges up

Also See


Petro Dollar



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