Monday, May 01, 2006

Russia Celebrates May Day

No tanks, no commisars, finally Russia has a real May Day. And real workers and commies celebrating and demanding the end of Mafia Capitalism.
Ivan Klyuchenko, a 17-year-old starting university this year, said: "Our industry is in ruins and wages are pitiful. A lifetime of work is not enough to buy a room in a Moscow suburb."
Trade unions, Communists march through Moscow on May Day

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  1. From the article:

    MOSCOW (AFP) -- Tens of thousands of people marched through central Moscow on Monday to celebrate May Day in peaceful demonstrations organized by pro-government trade unions and Communists nostalgic for Soviet times.

    About 25,000 trade union members called for a "social state," holding balloons and flowers, according to police spokesman, Viktor Biryukov, quoted by ITAR-TASS news agency.

    Several thousand Communist Party supporters also marched from the Lenin monument on October Square to a bust of Karl Marx near Red Square, carrying red flags and portraits of Stalin, an AFP reporter at the march said.

    They may not have the tanks and the commisars available for the parade anymore, but the apparatchiks in the crowd seem to be marching for a return of the tanks and the commisars.

    And I think demonstrations organized by "pro-government trade unions" for more bureaucratic patronage may be a good summary of everything that May Day is supposed to be against.

  2. You are correct I got sucked in by the shorter news item from USA Today, the junk tabloid newspaper. That and the crowds carrying pictures of Stalin remind me of the fact that in Alberta Ralph Klein was found to still be popular by 70% of those polled.
