Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tories Good News Budget

They kept their promises even the ones that we don't like. But over all the budget aimed its tax cuts at the working class, the first budget in twenty years, yes including the Mulroney years, to do so.

As I predicted the BQ will back the Tories on the budget.

Honk For Public Day Care

Harper Plays Charest

They will hold their noses as Duceppe says and vote for the Budget, which the Liberals and NDP will oppose.

The budget gives tax breaks to workers with all of us getting a $1000 tax credit for home purchases of computers etc. apprenticeship tax breaks, tool tax breaks, child athletics/sports tax break, etc. The savings to workers, pensioners, and even small business offset the corporate tax cuts in the budget. It also cut off low income earners from income tax, As a result, about 655,000 low-income Canadians will be removed from the tax rolls altogether.

It is a blue collar budget, not a champagne budget, one aimed at staying in power for the rest of the year. The Liberals call it a political budget, which it is,there is something for everyone, a chicken in every pot, a way of forstalling another election. It is not so much a Conservative budget as a populist one. Expect the Tories poll numbers to jump accordingly.

The real Conservative budget will be revealed next year. For now we can celebrate a budget that gives us back some of our money, while surpluses remain for social spending.

That issue will be the fight the Conservatives will face over the next year, how to spend the surplus on social programs, and which social programs. How they will deal with the environment and with the fiscal imbalance.

On childcare they have sweetened the pot by claiming they will look at funding daycare spaces, how well that is still to be determined, and so the public pressure has to continue, they have weakened already on their corporate tax credit for daycare by saying this.

As for the Liberals promises, well they weren't worth the paper they were written on once the election was called.

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  1. This is all about getting a majority in the house in the next election, and hence, they always sound and look that they are on the campaign trail. They are trolling for those votes. Once they are in the majority, it will not look nice.

  2. Allow me to ask how it could be worse than the Chretien/Martin regime circa 1993-95 whose neo-conservative agenda dovetailed with the cutbacks of Klein and Harris.
