Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Two Super Powers

There are now two super powers in the World. As the latest Amnesty report reveals.

Rights report condemns US, China

start quoteWhen the powerful are too arrogant to review and reassess their strategies, the heaviest price is paid by the poor and powerless.end quote
-- Amnesty Secretary-General Irene Khan

American hegemony was challenged last month when their rentier landlord came to visit them. Chinese Prime Minister Hu first stopped in Washington, not Washington D.C. but the State of Washington to buy a few planes from Boeing, and have an official State Dinner with the real power in Amerika, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates. On his way to Europe he stopped in to visit President Bush shake some hands have a press conference, and ask about how America intended to pay its bills.

Did anyone care to notice that the Chinese president did not rush to see his US counterpart when he landed in the US? What did it say about China’s perspective on the Sino-US relationship that the first person that President Hu visited in the US was Bill Gates, Microsoft’s chairman and the world’s richest man? No matter how rich Gates is, he is still a private citizen and one would surely imagine that the first person a visiting head of state and government visits before anyone else is his counterpart. With China It’s Simply Business, Not a Clash of Civilizations

In Washington the state, Hu beamed as he hobnobbed with the capitalist kings of computers, coffee shops and airplanes, who are among those making a mint in China's markets.
In Washington the city, Hu got a rather frostier reception. A dissident heckler startled him on the White House lawn, a White House announcer called his country the Republic of China - did someone say Taiwan? - and a senator warned that China should open more of its markets to American products, or else.
The chill in the East and the warmth in the West were, of course, mostly about money. The number most policy makers in Washington, D.C., think about when they think about China is the $202 billion trade deficit in 2005, up 25 percent from the year before. In Seattle, the focus is on the $5 billion that businesses in the state exported to China last year, up 64 percent from 2004. News Analysis: Hu sees 2 very different Washingtons

While America prides its power as Empire, it is no longer the only Superpower in the World. It no longer has hegemony. China has matched it.

China Befriends Oil-Rich Saudis; US Pays at Pump

Merkel's China visit to strengthen bilateral ties

China extends its reach into Africa with $1bn deal for Nigeria's railways

United States looks on as China mines Latin America's riches

As the American Empire spreads its military abroad, China keeps its at home. China too now is a hegemon. One that is playing in the world despite American protests.

WASHINGTON, May 23 (Reuters) - China's military buildup has altered Asia-Pacific power balances and could pose threats to other forces, the Pentagon said on Tuesday, in an annual report that repeated U.S. calls for Beijing to explain its actions. China has retained its long-standing focus on rival Taiwan but years of double-digit growth in arms spending and new missiles, ships and aircraft meant it could project power further afield, the 2006 China Military Power Report said. "The pace and scope of China's military build-up already place regional military balances at risk," the 58-page report said. "Current trends in China's military modernization could provide China with a force capable of prosecuting a range of military operations in Asia -- well beyond Taiwan -- potentially posing a credible threat to modern militaries operating in the region," it said.

Take Sudan. Please. As the old joke goes. Sudan is a client state of China, they own the petro-industry there. So ask yourselves why of all the UN Security council members, China is the only one who has not offered military forces for Darfur. Nor have they used their economic and political power to force the Sudanese state to settle the Darfur issue. Is it because Darfur is one of the new oil finds in Sudan?
UN presses Sudan to admit assessment team in Darfur (Roundup)

Before we send Canadian forces to Sudan, or even aid, we should ask why their largest client is doing nothing.

China should revise policies on Sudan

But the Sudanese, more than all world powers and economic entities, are the ones most directly affected by the political and economic policies of China on Sudan.

Apart from the nuclear power conflict in the Chinese-Iranian-Western relations, the unabated fears about the Gulf oil, and the other international agenda, what concerns us here is a Sudanese viewpoint on the reasons for the requested revisions on the Chinese policies on Sudan.

There are clear political concerns with the Chinese mechanical support of Sudan in the international arena, especially the United Nations Security Council, as well as major economic questions about the Chinese oil methodologies in South Sudan and other parts of the country.

Of particular importance is the way the revenues of these investments have been used by China to support the repressive rule of Sudan with virtually non-economic or social development projects in the oil-producing region, South Sudan, for almost a decade.

Recently, the Chinese working team on the construction of the Hamadab Dam at the Manasir/Robatab area in the Nile Province of North Sudan faced some forms of popular resistance from the local inhabitants who had been prevented from using the Nile drinking water for their animals by construction provisions imposed by the repressive rule of Sudan in agreement with the Chinese firm.

The Chinese company, however, went as far as inciting the authorities that responded promptly with armed forces to displace the inhabitants and their animals from the dam construction area.

This insensitivity to the local communities of North Sudan was an extension of graver indifferences by the Chinese investors towards many other communities in South Sudan.

Yep China is just like America, both share the arrogance of power. And China is not only Sudan's landlord, it's America's landlord too.

Also See:

China No Longer Red Nor In The Red

China Challenges US over Saudi Oil

US vs China for Global Hegemony

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