Thursday, May 18, 2006

Why This War

Last night the Oilers defeated the Sharks.

Unfortunately for Canada the Conservative Sharks in Parliament, with aid of the rats in the Liberals, defeated commonsense and peacekeeping for war making and being a surrogate to the American Empire. In a vote that was damn close 149-145 a bare majority supported warmaking.

A vote that close would of course NOT allow Quebec to Separate, but it allows Canada to go to war.

In an editorial the Toronto Star asks;

What's known is this: Canadians will be in the front lines of George W. Bush's war on terrorism until 2009 and perhaps far beyond.

A strong case can be made for that continuing commitment, including that the military needs a firm, long-term mandate and that the Canadian effort there may eventually make a lasting difference.
As Harper argued before bolting the Commons after his speech, interests and values are at stake in a country that warlords, opium and fundamentalism make so fragile.

Still, that doesn't fully explain how Afghanistan evolved into Ottawa's offshore priority, why the military favours the model showcased there and when extended intervention became important enough to warrant yet another election.
Most of all it doesn't justify the suggestion — the Big Lie — that questioning the mission's merits undermines morale and comforts the enemy.

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