Sunday, May 21, 2006

You don't need a Weatherman to know.....

From this mornings weather prediction on the Weather Channel

Mainly sunnyChance of thunder- showersChance of thunder- showersCloudy periods
CONDITION Mainly sunnyChance of thunder- showersChance of thunder- showersCloudy periods
P.O.P. 0%40%40%10%
WIND S 10 km/hSW 10 km/hS 10 km/hSE 10 km/h
HUMIDITY 100%47%49%86%

We don't expect any precipitation from Sunday morning to Monday morning.

Oh really no precipitation. Wonder what they mean by Thunder Showers?!

As this clearly shows weather prestidigitation is neithier prescient nor empircal.

And as a science IT is in good keeping with astrology.

Proving you really don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows.....

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