Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Blame the Workers

In a sleazy move that is typical of B.C. Ferries management they are now blaming the mariners, the Ferry Workers for not being trained on new equipment installed on the Ferry, Queen of the North, that sunk earlier this year. The equipment an automatic pilot and navigation computer were installed only weeks before the sinking, and none of the ships crew were trained in their operation.

The Transportation Safety Board considered this failure of management so serious that they wrote the B.C. Ferries Corporation with their preliminary findings. B.C. Ferries response, provide training for the workers heck no. Blame the workers, issue a new form letter demanding the workers sign that they are trained, failure to complie and you are fired.

Lack of training cited in fatal BC ferry sinking

The TSB said some crew members on the bridge of the ship felt they did not have enough training to work with the new equipment — specifically the newly installed auto-pilot system. "These are master mariners, so again I'm having a little trouble that they would want to be in control of a ship and not be familiar with their equipment," said David Hahn, president and CEO of BC Ferries. Hahn said the company is taking the preliminary findings seriously and have already taken steps to address the training issue. "We've introduced a new form that we're asking all the officers to sign, stating that they're familiar with the equipment, they're comfortable with it," he said. "We have to remove that doubt."

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