Monday, June 05, 2006


Here is the definition of irony in the tradition of Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce or H.L. Mencken. Freedom of The Press Moscow.
Moscow Hosts International Press Congress


The WAN press freedom roundtable was held Sunday, on the eve of the World Newspaper Congress, World Editors Forum and Info Services Expo 2006, the global meetings of the world’s press. More than 1,700 newspaper publishers, editors, other senior newspaper executives and their guests are in Moscow for the events, which open Monday.

Free Russian media guarantees democracy - Putin

Yep the only free press belongs to those that own one. And Putin owns the press in Russia.Many have complained that Putin has suppressed the free press in Russia, which is an old Bolshevik tradition. And Putin is an old Bolshevik.
World’s Press Appeals to Putin for Press Freedom

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