Thursday, June 08, 2006

Peak Oil: France and Canada Agree

Coincidence ? I think not.

Total sees 2020 oil output peak, urges less demand
Wed Jun 7, 2006 7:48am ET
- France's Total estimates global oil production will peak around 2020 if output growth continues at current levels and has advised governments to cool demand to avoid a supply crunch, its chief executive said. "The capacity of raising (oil) production is a real challenge ... if we stay with this type of production growth our impression is that peak production could be reached around 2020," Thierry Desmarest told the World Gas Conference in Amsterdam on Wednesday.

Canada Reaches Peak Oil In 2020 Saturday, May 20, 2006

We will hit Peak Oil in 14 years. Are ye prepared?!

A tip o the blog to John Murney

Also See:

Peak Oil,


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