Sunday, June 04, 2006


Gosh is it just me or is the War in Iraq looking more and more like the Viet Nam qaugmire every day.

Reasonable force, coming under attack, these are all the justifications they used over My Lai as well.

The U.S. military said Saturday it found no wrongdoing by American troops accused of intentionally killing civilians during a March 15 raid in Ishaqi, about 50 miles north of Baghdad. As many as 13 Iraqis were killedThe investigation concluded that U.S. troops followed normal procedures in raising the level of force after coming under fire while approaching a building where they believed an al-Qaida terrorist was hiding, said Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, a U.S military spokesman.

US commanders knew of Haditha killings: Report

Of course they found no wrong doing, they are after all at war, with everyone and anyone in Iraq.

Killing of civilians in Iraq highlights stress on troops
Repeated guerrilla attacks may play role, specialists say

Just like Charlie company faced in My Lai. What was that famous quote about let God sort them out.

Did anyone expect these military investigations to turn up anything? They failed to condemn the officer corps and higher ups after Abu Gharib. Just like in Viet Nam the policy makers and the Pentagon officer corps goes free while the enlisted grunts take the blame.

And like Viet Nam they have lost the war for the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people.Furious Iraq demands apology as US troops are cleared of massacre

Evidence shows massacre of Iraq's innocent

The growing evidence of United States war crimes in Iraq means America faces months of distressing revelations and shaming court cases that could turn public opinion more decisively against a conflict in which 2 500 US servicemen have died and that has no end in sight.

The issue has been simmering since the first public word emerged of a possible massacre - followed by a cover-up - of Iraqi civilians by US Marines in November last year.

It has been brought to boiling point by the accusation of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of "daily" violence against unarmed civilians by the US military.

"They run them over and leave them, or they kill anyone suspicious. This cannot be accepted," Maliki said in comments remarkable from a leader whose government's fragile grip on the country would be impossible without the 130 000 US troops on its soil.

Yep quagmire.

Time to indict Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush and their Pentagon Generals for war crimes.

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