Saturday, June 03, 2006

Soccer Scandal Canadian Style

As we get closer to the World Cup more soccer scandals are being exposed. In this case its a Vietnamese mafioso who came to Canada as one of the boat people, those folks who hid their wealth on their bodies and hit the ocean to escape 'Socialist Viet-Nam'. Strange but after many so called poor oppressed boat people got here the first thing they did was start jewelry stores, having brought their stolen wealth from Viet Nam here.

Sorry but I figure after the Viet Nam war folks had the responsibility to help rebuildtheir country. But under the infulence of the Americans, who deserted them, they figured they would take their ill gotten gains from war profiteering and head West. Where they were welcomed with open arms by the folks who kept them in power during the war years.

And the reason we have an increase in Vietnamese crime gangs is because many of the kids who came here had known nothing but war. And war, creates a messed up psyche. Gee who woulda thunk it. So imagine all those other children around the world growing up in war. As they migrate around the world, as they grow older expect more violent gang crime. Life in a warzone is cheap.

Anyways this gangster was busted in Viet Nam in the eighties and then fled to Canada as politcal refugee no doubt. Where he set up his gang. Interesting story. Tip o the blog to; Frost Hits The Rhubarb.

Oh and for those who cheer the new capitalist Viet-Nam well read on in the story to find out about the scandal not only over betting but road construction which was privatized. Road Construction. Privatization. Gee sounds like the Alberta Government.

Vietnam police investigating a high profile corruption case involving government officers in Hanoi have arrested a Canadian who is reputedly the head of an international criminal syndicate.

The crime gang called "Long Haul" operates in Canada, Europe and Asia specializing in drug trafficking, money laundering, and organized betting on international soccer games, police said according to Vietnam-based news sources.

The Canadian was identified as 46-year-old Ngo Tien Dung alias Dung Kieu.

The Vietnamese native also uses the names Dung Hanoi and Lai Thanh Huu and reportedly operated out of Vancouver and Toronto.

A spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Canada told The Asian Pacific Post that the Canadian Embassy in Hanoi is aware of the detention and is providing consular assistance.

She refused further information citing the privacy legislation.

The RCMP, when contacted, said they had no information to share about the suspect.

Dung, according to a police reports in Hanoi was jailed in the late 1980s in Bac Thai jail for fraud and misappropriating other people’s assets.

Seventeen years ago, he allegedly killed another prisoner at the jail and escaped.

He then fled to Canada where he led the Long Haul mafia before returning to Vietnam in 1994 posing as a wealthy Viet kieu (overseas Vietnamese) investor.

Vietnamese media said Dung changed his named to Lai Thanh Huu in Canada, obtained citizenship and has traveled to Vietnam at least 35 times as an overseas businessman.

News reports said Dung is "the owner of five villas in Canada, one of which is worth US$7 million" and that he is believed to have laundered a whopping US$26 million in Vietnam through business contracts.

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