Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Stephen Nixon, Richard Harper

Gee this reminds me of when Richard Nixon decided to comment on the Charlie Manson Case.

Before the trial began, the Manson case became a political issue. President Richard M. Nixon condemned Manson on public television, calling him a dangerous cult leader.

Especially when the PM makes it personal.

Terror suspect Chand accused of wanting to behead prime minister ...

The lawyer chastised Harper for expressing "happiness" that the suspects had been arrested over the weekend.

"I expect my client to get a fair trial; as fair as every other trial that occurs in Canada," said Batasar.

"In fact the comments made by the prime minister himself with respect to his happiness that these persons had been arrested certainly is surprising and shocking."

"I believe the prime minister should keep out of the process and let justice take its course."

And like the Manson case with the hysteria around terrorism innocents are bound to be locked up and have the key thrown away with our new law and order security state under Harper. Especially when he has already declared them all guilty.

Bobby Beausoleil, the intended beneficiary of the copycat Tate-LaBianca murders, remains in prison despite his having been convicted of a single murder that was not aggravated by factors like torture or rape. It is probable that the specter of a headline reading "Manson follower paroled" is behind his continuing imprisonment. The Manson Myth

Snipers, leg irons, selected evidence, police brass — all calculated to sway the public, lawyers and security experts say

However after the inital media hysteria dies down and the real facts are placed before the courts the chances are very good that this was all a tempest in a tea pot. Used to assuage the US Public, bolster the Harper Government and of course put more bucks in RCMP, CSIS and local cops budgets. This high profile bust comes after CSIS claimed it needed more money to detect immigrant terrorists entering the country, and while the current security state anti-terrorism law is being reviewed. Coincidence, I think not.

As for the innocent they will have to wait for their day in court to overcome the social pariah status they currently face. Most so called security cases in Canada have ended up with NO convictions according to the panelists on Mike Duffy's show today. And they too recommended that Harper should have kept his trap shut.

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1 comment:

  1. I am not usually so horribly self-publisising but in line with the impending Socialist Carnival I wanted to put forward one of my entries for the simple reason that it is a thought in progress and I would like to subject it to further scrutiny if you feel it is worthy of inclusion.

    It can be found here:


    thanks for your time.
