Sunday, June 11, 2006

Suicide A Terrorist Act

Thanks to Blastfurnace for this;

"We're learning tonight that three detainees at Gitmo have committed suicide. Naturally, a military official has already spun this saying it wasn't an act of desperation but an act of terrorism.

Yeah they were trying to make the Americans look bad by committing suicide.

This reminds me of the Rote Army Fraction in Germany in the Seventies,
aka Baader-Meinhof Group, an armed struggle group (terrorists) that were busted and then the leaders ended up mysteriously dead in jail. At the time the State ruled it was suicide, but it appeared to everyone else as murder.

When you are declared an Enemy of the State they lock you up and throw away the key. And then you die. If they don't execute you then you mysteriously commit 'suicide'.

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