Friday, June 09, 2006

Suplus Value

Here is the Stats Canada confirmation of that old Marxist theory of surplus value:

Canadian workers are more productive than ever. And they are cheaper, too
Canada's economic output is rising three times faster than the number of hours that people are working, helping to push Canada's labour productivity up by 2.3 per cent over the past year.

There is another side to the economic numbers, however. Canada's productivity is rising because the cost of labour is slowing.

Hourly compensation rose by 0.8 per cent in the first quarter, half the increase in the fourth quarter of 2005, keeping a lid on unit labour costs.

Whenever you hear the word productivity that simply means techology and cheap labour producing more profit. The watchword of capitalism. For workers it means you are getting screwed and paid less for it.

Productive labour is therefore labour which reproduces for the labourer only the previously determined value of his labour-power, but as an activity creating value increases the value of capital; in other words, which confronts the labourer himself with the values it has created in the form of capital."

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