Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Take A Valium

Ok everybody who is mounting their Outrage Over CUPE campaign here are two articles that put the CUPE Ontario motion to boycott Israel in context.

One from the left;
Union drawing attention to Israeli injustice, argues Linda McQuaig

and surprise surprise one from the right;

Toronto Sun EDITORIAL: We choose Israel — and Palestine
We agree with CUPE that what it calls the apartheid wall and we call the security barrier, is an affront to the dignity and lives of the Palestinians. But we see it as a necessary evil, precisely because it has dramatically lowered the number of terrorist attacks on Israel. We agree with CUPE that the Palestinians have suffered under occupation. Unlike them, we accept the reason for the occupation — Israel’s need for security.

Unlike the other right wing ranters like Coren and Levant, and the syncophantic Kinsella, the Sun editorial is a ray of reason in a stupid reactionary attempt to discredit CUPE for DARING to criticize Israel.

Of course not to be left out of a controversy and free press coverage, the self appointed voice of Labour and the Left in Canada also takes cheap shots at CUPE.

CUPE boycott of Israel won't help cause of peace
The labour movement and the left should try to counteract despair in the Middle East with calls for genuine dialogue and exchange, not by finger-pointing and boycotts, writes Buzz Hargrove
But then Buzz wants to raid them so his motives are not exactly pure. And he is still ticked off that the CUPE dominated Ontario NDP kicked him out.

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