Thursday, June 08, 2006

We Are All Flintstones

Praise the Lord the Christian Bible believers were right. We didn't come from apes.

Yep the Flintstones had it right. We did come from stones, no wonder we rock n roll.

Australian Coastal Mounds May be Fossils of Earth's Oldest Life

The evidence prehistoric ameoba dung.

Others argue that primitive microbes formed the piles. The new study supports this second notion. Abigail Allwood's team trudged a 10-kilometer-long stretch of stromatolites and identified seven different types with exotic shapes. Some look like upside-down ice cream cones, others like egg cartons. Allwood told Nature magazine podcast interviewers that the formations are too complex to be chemical, although she acknowledges that their biological origin is unproven.

"Any one structure, even any one group of structures is not conclusive evidence of life in itself," she said. "The way I approached this was to look at a very large number of structures over a region and as I walked along the outcrops I began to notice that rather than just one type of structure there were actually several different distinct types and realized that they were distributed in patterns so that actually they look very similar to reefs. But they're obviously not coral reefs. They're reefs entirely built by microorganisms."

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