Saturday, July 15, 2006

Canadian Exceptionalism

The Conservatives since they were the Reform Party, then the Alliance, have been staunch supporters of Israeli Imperialism in the Middle East. So what else is new. Well they now have made this internal policy a national policy in response to the current illegal war being conducted by a rogue nation whom they support unconditionally. Once again forgetting that they are a MINORITY government, and do not speak for all Canadians. If anything will lead to further terrorist targeting of Canada it is this.

With Israel exercising its military might on the ground in Gaza and in skies over Lebanon, leaders around the world — with the notable exception of our own Prime Minister — are calling on Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to apply less force. Speaking for Israel's closest ally, United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says: "It is extremely important that Israel exercise restraint in its acts of self-defence." Onus for restraint not just on Israel

Also See:


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