Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Give Em A Medal

On Canada Day they drink Canadian beer, lots of ot it, and they stumble around the Nations Capital looking for somewhere to pee, and lo and behold they find the National Momunment to Canada's veterans; the War Memorial and let loose a torent of used Canadian.

And stupid drunk Canadians get caught on film by sober Canadian vet.

The Nation howls in torment, and predictably new tough laws are called for by the Statists. But taking direct action one man, makes a stand.

War Memorial defender stands on guard for free
Globe and Mail -
Ottawa -- A lone, unemployed man donned a Maple Leaf-red sweater yesterday and stood guard by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the National War Memorial. Authorities haven't decided yet how they'll improve security but Don Dawson wasn't going to wait for them to make up their minds.

He draped a vintage Canadian Legion flag - a British ensign with a green maple leaf imposed in the centre - over his shoulder and stood rigidly at attention.

"I got up this morning and asked myself what I could do about this, and I decided to come here out of respect for all the soldiers who died fighting for the freedom of Canada," said Dawson, who spent the whole day at the site.

What security they had none or this would not have happened.
Pin a medal on those wiley drunk Canadians, celebrating the nations holiday, they have left a legacy not of used beer but of improved security.

Seems on Captiol Hill, in this "Post 9/11 world", someone forgot to put the guard out in the nations capital at its mouments. And they forgot to provide sufficient porto-potties.

First guy they should hire
is the one who shows he knows a thing or two the guy who stood on guard today.

Mr. Dawson said he'd like to see a member of the Governor General's Foot Guards, on parade on Parliament Hill in the summer months, assigned to the site during the day and security guards posted at night.

“When they brought him — the unknown soldier — back from France in 2000, this site changed from a war memorial to a grave site, so there should always be an attendant, at least during the day,” Mr. Dawson said.

“This wouldn't be to prevent vandalism, but would be more a show of respect. Of course, it would help prevent these sorts of incidents as well.”

Unfortunately they will probably contract out the jobs to a private security company,there also private porto-pottie companies that are looking for business.

Of course no one is going to pee there ever again, or at least not until the next Capitol Hill Canada Day fete next year, with beer and drunks in public. They may have better security but will they have enough porto-potties.

Dear Reader;
Like you I am outraged, My father and relatives are all veterans. But the point is t you can blame the beer, the lack of civics classes, or the general lack of honour given to our national momunments, it all adds up to the same thing, out of sight out of mind.

Since we see all those guarded monuments in other countries, we assume the same happens here. And shock of shocks it doesn't. The urination incident drew our attention to this shameful condition. So let's not shoot the messanger. Send em to re-education camp, make em clean the monument.

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