Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lebanon Protest At Alberta Legislature

LEBANON PROTEST AT LEGISLATURE: More than 500 people gather on the grounds of the Alberta legislature Wednesday to protest both the pace of evacuation of thousands of Canadians trapped in Lebanon and alleged Israeli aggression in its bombing of that country.
Hundreds denounce PM's stand
More than 500 people gather on the grounds of the Alberta legislature Wednesday to protest both the pace of evacuation of thousands of Canadians trapped in Lebanon and alleged Israeli aggression in its bombing of that country.
Photograph by : Chris Schwarz, The Journal

The Lebanese community in Alberta is one of the oldest in Canada.The first Mosque in Canada, indeed in North America, was built in Edmonton and now resides in historic Fort Edmonton Park.

Many of those original immigrants are buried in Beechmount cemetary, next to my relatives who came at the same time from the Ukraine.

The Harpocrite governments apologetics for Israel clearly show it is out of touch with Albertans and Canadians .

The irony is that the Harpocrites support of Israel is based on
Born Again Christians who await the coming Rapture.

Israels best friend; Stockwell Day, is one of these.

These religious right wingers have no interest in Israel perse other than its existence portends the millenial belief of second coming of Christ as predicted in the Book of Revelations.

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  1. In spirit, if not yet in deed, though not from lack of trying, the so-called Dispensationalist Christians or Ruptured Ducks have to be the most fiendish collection of psychopaths ever to brew up a crack brained ideology. Their goal is to destroy the entire world and with it every living thing. Then as Jesus does a Scotty and beams them up, they will no doubt laugh as the rest of us burns in enteral Hell fire. Dig this, Hitler only wanted to kill SOME of the people not all of them, same for Stalin and Pol Pot, so what does this say about these loons?

  2. Give Me Jesus or give me Meth errr....Death. We all wanna go to the promised land.
