Saturday, July 08, 2006

Libertarian Left Blogs

The Libertarian Left blog exchange shows the diversity of the market in ideas, pages, design, comments, all that is the politicks of those of us who are Left-Libertarians.

So I went through the blog listings of the Liberatarian Left, BLL, that you can find in the side bar to the left.

And since many of my comrades here are free-marketers well I thought I would look at their output, that is how many links they are generating for the collective good. And lo and behold if in most cases they aren't generating more than they are getting. What altruists.

And here are the stats to show who is putting out and who is out putting. Here is our top ten list of those who have linked out, pushed more links over 1000 visitors makling them aware of BLL.

Powered by: Nicotine, Kentucky Tavern, Kama Sutra
This site has received 2079 hit(s) from this Site Ring
This site has sent 6127 visitor(s) to this Site Ring

Mutualist Blog: Free Market Anti-Capitalism

A free market socialist blog in the tradition of the American individualist anarchists: Josiah Warren, Benjamin Tucker, Lysander Spooner, etc.
This site has received 979 hit(s) from this Site Ring
This site has sent 5160 visitor(s) to this Site Ring

Blogosphere of the Libertarian Left Home
Webring home for the Blogosphere of the Libertarian Left.
This site has received 2107 hit(s) from this Site Ring
This site has sent 5147 visitor(s) to this Site Ring
Easily offended? Go away.
This site has received 1676 hit(s) from this Site Ring
This site has sent 4535 visitor(s) to this Site Ring

Le Revue Gauche
Libertarian Communist Analysis And Comment
This site has received 717 hit(s) from this Site Ring
This site has sent 4173 visitor(s) to this Site Ring

elementary musings on matters of peace, freedom and justice.
This site has received 1265 hit(s) from this Site Ring
This site has sent 3498 visitor(s) to this Site Ring

freeman, libertarian critter

This site has received 2430 hit(s) from this Site Ring
This site has sent 2715 visitor(s) to this Site Ring

out of step

Unfinished essays and spontaneous eruptions about politics and culture from an agorist (i.e., radical Rothbardian) perspective
This site has received 1587 hit(s) from this Site Ring
This site has sent 2199 visitor(s) to this Site Ring

Tor's Rants
A miscreant's musings on Mid-Coast Maine, Politics, Range Rovers, Buddhism, Idiot Drivers and kitty-kats.
This site has received 860 hit(s) from this Site Ring
This site has sent 1750 visitor(s) to this Site Ring

Independent Country
For peace, privacy, and economic liberty.
This site has received 1901 hit(s) from this Site Ring
This site has sent 1510 visitor(s) to this Site Ring

And this humble blog site ranks number five.
I guess I 'm the centrist in the group :)

Nice to see that Kevin Carson of Mutualist Blog, and I pump out three times the links as we get. Labouring away for the good of the cause while generating surplus value in hits to BLL.

While we give a big hand out to Independent Country who managed to get more links than he sent out, but still did so in the high thousands.

Now there is competition. Lets see who can generate the most links out and in. That is the way of the Tao, balance.

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