Sunday, August 20, 2006

Tories Put Endangered Species at Risk

The Harper government is quietly drifting away from protecting endangered species that are standing in the way of economic expansion, a leaked federal document has revealed.The draft policy document from Environment Canada suggests federal officials want to water down the Species at Risk Act in order to allow government regulators to factor in "socio-economic" concerns -- such as forestry, oilsands exploration and residential construction -- when they identify critical habitat areas that require protection. "Obviously that happened under a previous government, but we've accepted the recommendations, and our government is about openness and transparency and accountability and those problems will be solved," said Ms. Ambrose's spokesperson Ryan Sparrow. He added that the government planned to continue consultations before implementing any policy on species at risk.Species at Risk Act being weakened by Tories

Open, transparent acoountable. Yep that's why the Species at Risk Act is being quietly rewritten in the Harper backrooms. And they are consulting with, big oil, big business, and not special interest groups like this: Tories ignoring owl extinction: environmentalists

Yep ignore the owls and have a Sparrow defend our MIA Environment Minister.

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