Saturday, September 09, 2006

Brits Cut And Run In Afghanistan

For those of you who say we should not withdraw Canadian troops, I say why not the Brits have!

Nato reveals that Britain withdrew an offer of 800 extra troops, reports Michael Smith in Kabul

BRITAIN agreed to provide an extra 800 troops to allied forces fighting the Taliban in southern Afghanistan but later withdrew the offer, Nato officials disclosed last week.

Lieutenant General David Richards, the commander of Nato forces in Afghanistan, planned to use the 800-man force as troubleshooters, sending them into any area where fighting broke out.

However, John Reid, then the defence secretary, was so angry at the reluctance of other Nato countries to supply troops that the offer was retracted.

Reid, who famously said that he hoped British troops would leave Afghanistan without firing a single shot, indicated that the UK would send no more troops other than the 3,300 men to be based in Helmand province.

Meanwhile the NATO meeting in Warsaw has been a failure to get any agreement on more reinforcements.

WARSAW, Sept 9 (Reuters)
- Defence chiefs from NATO's 26 nations agreed on Saturday they needed more troops and fewer limitations on the use of their forces to step up the fight against insurgents in the violent south of Afghanistan. No pledges of extra troops were announced after two days of talks in Warsaw but NATO officials said national defence chiefs had agreed to consult with their capitals on reinforcements to tackle fiercer-than-expected Taliban resistance.

Leaving Canada to reinforce this mission despite the comments to the contrary, or the contrary comments made by War Minister O'Connor who flip flops more than a trout out of water.

But O'Connor made it clear that the country would not contribute more troops, and said: We have more than met our commitment.

Defence minister changes his opinion from the day before
Hints that Canada may be sending more military resources

The NDP is right to say we withdraw our troops immediately leave this dirty war to the Americans who cut and ran to Iraq. They have twenty thousand troops still there, while we do the dying for them.

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