Sunday, September 24, 2006

Soldiers In Our Streets

Remember the warning during the election that the Conservatives would put soldiers in the streets of Canadian Cities. Well it happened. In Ottawa. On Friday. Thousands of 'demonstrators' rallied to support the war in Afghanistan. They happened to be not average, severely normal Canadians. Nope they were our armed forces personnel, their families and the military brass. They were paid civil servants released to go to the rally. And they were addressed Nuremburg Rally style by the Fuerher himself.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper speaks to the rally on Parliament Hill in support of Canada's troops in Afghanistan.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper speaks to the rally on Parliament Hill in support of Canada's troops in Afghanistan. (Tom Hanson/Canadian Press)

"Your actions here today are a tangible sign to (soldiers) that their service is not unseen, their actions are not unappreciated and indeed their sacrifice is appreciated greatly," said Gen. Rick Hillier, chief of defence staff, who stood for most of the rally beside Pte. Michael Spence, a soldier wounded in a recent friendly-fire incident.

Does anyone else get nervous when our armed forces gets political and rallies for war. Not in memory of the fallen, but to support war, to support more funding for more weapons of war..Hello. It looks like Thailand. Can you say Coup detat.

Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier (centre) is flanked by Lt.-Gen. Andrew Leslie, head of the Canadian Army, left, and Lt.-Gen. Michel Gauthier, head of Afghanistan mission, while announcing Friday that Canada will be sending an additional 200 troops and more armour to Afghanistan. (Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press)

Hillier said it is important that the Armed Forces connect with the public.

"We got distanced from society these past decades and when something went horribly wrong, our society, our population was quite eager and quite willing to dispense with us . . . and simply become our critic," he said."We're no longer going to let that occur. This is your army and navy and Armed Forces," he told the crowd.

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  1. "Can you say Coup detat."

    You have officially lost your mind. Completely. Totally. Wow.

  2. Interesting site, you describe your blog as:

    the definition of libertarian:
    According to American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.

    NOUN: 1. One who advocates maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state.

    the definition of communism:
    NOUN: 1. A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members. 2. Communism a. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people. b. The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.

    It must be tough to live by two such opposite philosophies at the same time. That does explain the content of your site though. Cheers comrade.

  3. I was there. I am a retired public servant. My wife was there with four of her colleagues. They are working public servants. They were not given time off to attend and were not encouraged to do so by management.

    From my observation of the crowd I would say that few were military personnel in civilian dress (only a few were in uniform, at the front). I cannot say how many were spouses.

    The post is truly pernicious nonsense.


  4. Uncle Meat I have posted my reply to your definition of Libertarian Communist in a seperate posting.

    I would advise reading the Galloping Beavers excellent expose on this being an orchestrated Conservative Party rally.

    Nope I have not lost my mind I was being provactive, just like those that organized the rally were.

  5. I would add that Leni Riefenstahl would have been most bemused by the Nuremburg comparison.

    By the way, CFRA has a host, Michael Harris, who is on the air four hours a day (two live, two repeat) four days a week. Mr Harris spends a considerable part of his time attacking our military mission in Afstan. Not complete balance, but...


  6. Eugene, it was provocative, and unless people, like myself, may not stand back to see it as others might see it. Are we becoming a militarized state? One, where there is little that separates the civilian govt from the military?

  7. Ironic that you get away with this trash, yet your "comrades" denounce me as a "propagandist" and suggest I "hatemonger".

    Then again, leftists have double standards...

    Geez... you moonbats... see a psychiatrist soon!

  8. Oh dear, Mr Plawiuk is a genderist; should be "La Revue".


  9. Messrs Graham and Dosjanh from the Liberals were at the rally along with Peter Stoffer from the NDP (good on him).

    Nazis all?


  10. Anonymous5:46 PM


    In our streets.

    With guns.

    You are making this up.

    This has got to be one of the silliest posts I have ever seen.

    By the way, the word is Fuehrer.
