Friday, September 01, 2006

Why I Support Ignatieff

James Laxer hits the nail on the head......
To win the votes to turn out Stephen Harper, the Liberals need to look left not right. They are not going to cut into Stephen Harper’s hold on the right-wing vote in Canada. The Conservative Party is the natural home of those who support the embattled empire of George W. Bush and his failing expeditions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Liberals need a leader who can appeal to social democrats, environmentalists and soft-nationalists in Quebec. The NDP, the Greens and the Bloc would take dead aim at the pro-imperial stance of a Liberal Party led by Ignatieff and they would be very effective.

Also See:

Liberal Leadership Race


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  1. So why is your post titled "Why I support Iggy"? Did you miss a word or did I miss some piece of irony?

  2. I think you missed the irony in the last sentence; "The NDP, the Greens and the Bloc would take dead aim at the pro-imperial stance of a Liberal Party led by Ignatieff and they would be very effective."
