Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Another MSM Live Blogger MIA

Edmonton Journal political affairs reporter Larry Johnsrude claims to have been live blogging from the Calgary Roundup Centre on Saturday during the PC Leadership vote. Really. Must have been doing it at the same time his pals at the Calgary Herald were.

And like them he wasn't showing up on Google in real time. I guess you have to be either a subscriber to one of these two Canwest papers to know they are "live blogging" or check them out online at the time. Their prescence was not noted by other bloggers checking out for results of the vote.

And if you check out Johnsrudes Journal blog you will find it less than awe inspiring as to the events of last Saturday. Pretty mundane reporting. And despite his biography extolling his web savvy he and his Calgary Herald pals seem to have been off in cyberspace by themselves.
Larry Johnsrude
After 30 years in newspapers, Larry has found the Internet to be a new and better way of keeping in touch with our community and telling our stories. As website reporter-editor, he brings his experience as a political, features, post-secondary education and editorial writer. His blog looks at how the Internet is changing traditional journalism, and offers insight into a range of topics both serious and whimsical.
Compare the blogging in the MSM and blogosphere that is covering the Liberal Convention and you can't miss it. Maybe Johnsonrude should join the Canadian Blog Exchange like Paul Wells has then the blogosphere would know he was live blogging.

With the Alberta PC convention unless you are a regular Journal or Herald reader you missed it. And there was no indication on Saturdays Journal web page that they were live blogging. And Johnsrude is the Journals website editor. Go figure.

Obviously he is not using the internet effectively or we would not have missed his live blogging on the weekend. Well there is always this coming Saturday, so I will check him out then.

So are they really bloggers? Let alone effective ones? I would say NOT. And unlike the rest of us, they get paid to do this. Which also disqualifies them as bloggers I would suggest.


Conservative Leadership Race

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