Thursday, November 16, 2006

Conservative Cold Warriors

Forward to the Past department. It is the return of the Cold War in Canada. Back in 1945 at the begining of the Cold War Canada reveled in its first Soviet Spy that came in from the cold; Igor Gouzenko

The Harpocrites are reimagining themselves as warriors in the Cold War. Someone should tell them that particular period of history is over.
Ottawa is moving swiftly to deport an alleged Russian spy arrested in a Montreal airport, by issuing a rarely used national security certificate.

Now if I was a conspiracy theorist I might suspect this was a shameless attempt by CSIS, the RCMP, and Public Security Minister Stockwell Day to prove that there was a security threat to Canada and we need their services. The bust being a smokescreen to distract from the fact they are facing investigation into the misuse of their Security State powers to arrest and deport Canadian citizens to face torture abroad. Nah that would never happen.

In 1945, Igor Gouzenko and his family received new identities from the Canadian government after the young Russian Embassy cipher clerk announced he had proof of a widespread spy ring in Canada. Pictured here, Gouzenko wears a hood to conceal his identity
In 1945, Igor Gouzenko and his family received new identities from the Canadian government after the young Russian Embassy cipher clerk announced he had proof of a widespread spy ring in Canada. Pictured here, Gouzenko wears a hood to conceal his identity while appearing on television in 1966. (National Archives of Canada, PA-129625)





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