Thursday, November 30, 2006

Liberal Cabaret

So I have watched the Liberal Convention on CBC, CTV and CPAC and have come to the conclusion this is not a political convention it's a cabaret. There are bands playing when convention business is not being done. And when policy debates are occuring the hall is practically empty, as motions pass with no debate. Heck even when screamin Howard Dean spoke last night the hall was less than half full, with more reporters than delegates.

William Johnson on CPAC noted that in the policy sessions and workshops there are barely any delegates and no debate. Wow what difference from the NDP convention where debate happened in the policy sessions and on the floor for the whole country to see.

Even the one member one vote motion which did not pass was voted on by just over six hundred delegates. 600 out of 5000. Where are the Liberal delegates. Here is a major renewal Convention and it passes motions like an automaton, with no debate, and delegates are missing in action.

Perhaps the cabaret theme of the Convention, right now Paul Martin is being serenaded by a singer doing an Aria from Carmen (there is an irony in that) is reflection not so much of party renewal but renewing the party, as in P A R T Y.

I figure the delgates are out touring Montreal or getting drunk, and having a libidinous good time in sexy Montreal in their sexy Liberal thongs. A Good old Liberal party with liberal dashes of sex and libations. Politics, heck we are only here for the vote.And since it is more of a cabaret than a convention this seems appropriate.

What good is sitting...alone in your room
Come, hear the music play
Life is a cabaret, ole chum...come to the cabaret

Put down that knittin?...that book and the broom
It's time for a holiday
Life is a cabaret, ole come to the cabaret

Come taste the wine...come hear the band
Yes it?s time...for celebratin?
Right this way your table´s waitin?

No use permittin?....some prophet of doom
To wipe every smile away
Life is a cabaret , ole chum...come to the cabaret

Come taste the wine...come hear the band
Come blow your horn...start celebratin?
Right this way your table´s waitin?

No use admmitin?....that ole prince of doom
Wipe all those smiles away
Life is a cabaret , old chum
Only a cabaret, old chum
So come to the cabaret

And while Craig Oliver of CTV said that those clever Liberals with their convention made the Alberta PC race irrelevant, well I am switching channels to watch the PC leadership debate rather than stale tributes to the loser Paul Martin. After all at least the PC debate is political.


Liberal Leadership Race

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