Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Real Made In Canada Green Plan

What the Conservatives could not do the NDP has. They have produced a realistic Green Plan for Canada.

While the Liberals and BQ played patisan politics with the environment in Nairobi, the NDP developed a plan that will rescue Ambrose and Harper from their time in perdition.

As the NDP did with the Liberal Government in rescuing them with their Alternative Budget. It is all about the politics of the possible. Kudos to Jack and his team.

It took weeks of work. First to negotiate with an intransigent minority government. And then to do the hard work in the backrooms to draft this while the Liberal and BQ spouted off hot air about the environment in sparing matches with Ambrose.

NDP Leader Jack Layton has revealed the significant changes he wants to the Tories' Clean Air Act, a piece of legislation he says is "not honest."

Layton unveiled his party's demands Sunday on CTV's Question Period. Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently invited the NDP to help refine the widely unpopular document which all three opposition parties slammed, saying it did little to tackle climate change.

The NDP-proposed amendments include the following:

  • To rename the act the Healthy Air and Climate Act, indicating that Kyoto Protocol targets, which were absent from the original bill, would become a key priority of the revised act;
  • To set targets that Canada must meet, such as the Kyoto Protocol 2008 to 2012 targets, an 80 per cent reduction in emissions below 1990 levels, by 2050;
  • To set interim targets at five year intervals between 2015 and 2050;
  • To give new authority to the environment minister that would allow him or her to designate significant areas under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act;
  • And a "just-transition fund" to help the automobile move from voluntary to mandatory targets.

The proposed changes would effectively gut the Conservative legislation as it currently stands.




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