Sunday, December 10, 2006

Rideau Hall Blog

It's a new blog, on a new web page from the GG. All about her groundbreaking Africa trip.

And her courtiers tell their stories of attending the Great Lady.

by Jean-Marc Mongin, Member of the Delegation
Executive Director

Saturday, December 09, 2006
The fight for freedom continues...

Words fail me in describing the inspiration and hope in mankind brought by the last few days in South Africa. Days filled with meeting some of the humble giants of the liberation struggle, visiting Mandela’s cell on Robben Island, the Apartheid museum, Constitution Hill, the most beautiful, value-laden and people friendly court that I have ever seen, and everywhere singing and music that feed the soul.

I enjoyed the sweet irony of being part of a Canadian delegation greeted at Union Buildings, an imposing symbol of the apartheid regime in Pretoria that has been wonderfully reclaimed by the new South Africa in all of its colors.

And without a hint of irony it's called Citizens Voices. Welcome to Subtitled Breaking Down Barriers. The site has live online chat with th GG, forums, blogs, you can register, the whole nine yards of interactive web communications.

Imagine that, the representative of HRH is more open, transparent, and engaging in dialouge than the democratically elected representative minority government and it's PM.

Imagine that.

A tip o' the blog to Tyrone Warner




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