Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sacrilegious Sushi

This gives new meaning to Fishers of Men......

UK pastor behind worldwide shark smuggling racket

A British pastor of the Moonies church faces jail for masterminding a world-wide shark poaching and smuggling racket.

As a result of his illicit trade, many exotic fish fanciers in the UK may be in for a shock. What they bought as an unusual addition to their fish tanks could grow to 7ft long.

Kevin Thompson, 48, from Jarrow, near Newcastle, now based at the Unification church in San Leandro, California, is one of six men arrested for taking, then selling, thousands of undersized leopard sharks.

One FBI theory is that Thompson was trying to impress his leader, the Rev Sun Myung Moon, who has repeatedly extolled the virtues of fishing and refers to himself as King of the Ocean. Where Jesus referred to “fishers of men”, the Rev Moon’s church has become a major distributor of raw fish to more than six thousand restaurants in the US.






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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Moon also owns:

    WACOM graphic computer tablets

    Christian Bernard worldwide furriers and fur shops

    True World Sushi and organic produce food suppliers

    go to

    for further info on his front groups commercial and otherwise.

    also ban ki moon (us-backed follwer of ssun Myung Moon and foreign minister of s.korea for the position of un secretary general)

    and a long-time founding member of the moonies in the usa now up for UN world food campaign director (baksheesh and backdoor further kickbacks to the bush family?

    go to and search "moonies" for the 12/2/06 article on moon's control of all things bold and bushy....

    feel free to write the UN or your local diplomat to argue against the moonies taking control of the UN and most important world food program (the ones who rule unicef--ya dig?).

    and you brits all thought the worst thing you had to worry about were mp's dressing in women's skivvies.

