Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Temporary Workers Exploitation

Here is why the Governments temporary foreign worker program is legalized exploitation.

Maple Leaf ends Chinese worker program over job fees
Maple Leaf Foods has shut down a program to import workers from China after discovering that 61 employees at its Brandon, Man., pork processing plant each had to pay a $10,000 fee to get the jobs. "Are you going to wait the four to six years to emigrate? Or are you going to choose the quicker and the faster [option] and pay the premium?"

While the Harper government has deported undocumented foreign workers it is encouraging foreign temporary workers to come to Canada, who are exploited by those 'importing', them. In the same fashion that undoucmented Chinese workers coming to Canada are exploited by Snakeheads in their own country.


Alberta's Free Market In Labour

The Labour Shortage Myth

AFL Agrees With Me

Monte Solberg

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