Saturday, February 03, 2007

BT Climate Change Denial

Well this proves that in order to be a true card carrying conservative in Canada you must, despite all evidence to the contrary, continue to deny the scientific evidence of Global Warming. Not because you don't believe it but because it's the rigorous (as in rigor mortus) position you MUST hold or all is lost.

As evidenced by the following Blogging Tory posts:
PCC Report Doesn't Prove Causality
By the Numbers
"The best CTV push-poll yet..."
A Voice of Sanity at the Globe
From the people who brought you...
"The semantics of climate change"
The forecast calls for pain
National Post reinforces my point
"Global Cooling" ?
It?s very likely, said the groundhog

etc. etc. ad nauseum.

The irony is that like their Great Leaders denial of the science of climate change/Global Warming back in 2002 when he called Kyoto a 'money sucking socialist' scheme, these poor deluded folks don't get it.

Kyoto is meant to save capitalism from itself. It has to do with ameliorating the worst excesses of the market by creating a market to exchange carbon credits, thus producing a new form of stock market. That is capitalism in action. Nothing socialist about it. Well except for government regulations, which even capitalists agree are needed to keep the playing field level.

Of course these folks are correct in pointing out Kyoto doesn't work, nor can capitalism when it comes to changing the course of its own inherent crisis as the result of its creation of self sustaining technology.




A Critique of Kyoto Capitalism Is NOT Sustainable


industrial ecology

Social Ecology

Green Capitalism

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  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    What part of your brain does the math that equates "While it does show that the Earth's climate is changing, in this case we are experiencing global warming and it does show a correlation between rising CO2 concentrations and a rise in temperature, it doesn't do a good job to prove causality." to global warming denial.

    Do you even read?

    If anyone is in denial, it is people like you that refuse to keep an open mind, to make sure we have all the facts before making a judgement. The fact that the report admits a low level of scientific understanding of solar irradiance and aerosols, etc proves the that there is much research that needs to be done to give a "definite" answer.

    Quoting newspapers with "everyone" agrees is nothing but, flat earth thinking

  2. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I don't accept the premise that suddenly man caused "global warming" is melting the "ice caps" at an alarming rate and changing the environment since Canada was reportedly once covered by glaciers which have melted away. Meaning the globe must have been already warming.
    Kyoto is just more "corporate welfare" and tax spending disguised as environmentalism.

  3. On the upside, Eugene, when this collapse happens because of Global Warming, fools like these will be gone...

  4. KC you obviously don't read either see that heading called Environment, its all the blogging I have done on it. I too have pointed out that Volcanos have created increased air pollution and CO2, as NASA reported which you refered to as aerosols. However if you would even bother to read what noted author J.McNeil points out is that in the past 110 years we have increased our CO2 and other emissions as humans moreso than we have in 1000 years. Hello, gee why would that be? Industrial production and a Fordist, auto economy. Currently you and other rightwingers maintain that China and India are polluting more, based of course on their populations, than the developed world.
    Which is not true, they are increasing their pollution, CO2 emissions because they are becoming fordist economies, creating steel factories, coal fired plants, and mass production of cars and consumer goods. They however do not have only 5% of the population while consuming the majority of the worlds resources that is still the pervue of the G8 countries, which includes Canada.

    Blanks 57 you don't read either, Hello I just did a piece I linked to in the article that said I agree It IS NOT MAN doing this, but our capitalist system that is responsible production for profit, and again Fordism, the mass manufacturing of goods based on coal to steel to cars, etc.

    But you are correct as I too agree Kyoto is corporate welfare, socialism for the rich as my pal Larry Gambone calls it.

    However we do face an environmental crisis, thanks not only to capitalis modes of production but as a result of two world wars, increased oil consumption, countless tiny little wars after WWII and of course nuclear testing.

    But please feel free to continue to stick your heads in the sand.

  5. Anonymous12:28 PM

    "KC you obviously don't read either see that heading called Environment"...have you taken the time to read the report from the IPCC not just getting the condensed scary version from the Media, I have. BTW your heading for this post is "BT Climate Change Denial"

    "air pollution and CO2, as NASA reported which you refered to as aerosols"...CO2 doesn't fit into aerosols. Aerosols are a negative Radiative Forcing Component, and omitting volcanoes from the report is wrong because they put out alot of aerosols and other things too.

    "However if you would even bother to read what noted author J.McNeil points out is that in the past 110 years we have increased our CO2 and other emissions as humans moreso than we have in 1000 years", I'm not disputing how much CO2 human's put out. As I noted in my analysis, there is a correlation between tempurature and CO2 concentration, but the report doesn't show that there is causality between the two.

    "Currently you and other rightwingers maintain that China and India are polluting more, based of course on their populations, than the developed world." first off, I don't talk about them so don't lump me in.

    Someone who stands there with their fingers in their ears going lalalalalalala, because they've heard everything they need to, shouldn't accuse others of stinking their heads in the sand.

    The Climate Change/Global Warming debate can't be over, but there is still so much that isn't understood yet to any degree of certainty.
