Sunday, February 04, 2007

Iran Arrests Women Bloggers

Iran censors feminist blogs and arrests the bloggers. Outrageous.

Once again Iran shows why monotheistic religion and Theocracy is an anathema to womens freedom and liberation.

And why identity politics in the West like this article are anti-feminist and anti-liberation despite their assertions to the contrary.

As I have said before Womens Struggle for Liberation is Class Struggle.

Three women's rights activists and journalists were arrested at Tehran's Imam Khomeini Airport en route to a journalism workshop in India and now face prosecution. Two of the three, Talat Taghinia and Mansoureh Shojai write for online journal Zanestan (which translates to "City of Women"), an Iranian web-based journal that advocates for women's rights. The third woman, Farnaz Seify, runs a popular feminist blog,

In early June, Zanestan -- an Iran-based online journal -- announced a rally in Haft Tir Square, one of Tehran’s busiest, to protest legal discrimination suffered by Iranian women. The demonstration was also called to commemorate two landmark events in women’s struggle for equality in Iran. The first was the Constitutional Revolution of 1906, when women agitated for emancipation. The second was the June 12, 2005 women’s rally for revision of the constitution of the Islamic Republic. According to Zanestan, the June 12, 2006 reprise would raise specific demands: a ban on polygamy, equal rights to divorce for women and men, joint custody of children after divorce, equal rights in marriage, an increase in the minimum legal age of marriage for girls to 18, and equal rights for women as witnesses. The protesters would call, in other words, for redress of the gender inequalities embedded in the dominant interpretations of Islamic law upon which the constitution is based.



Class War In Iran

Islam And Class War

Anti Islamism Manifesto

The Need for Arab Anarchism

The War Against Women




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