Thursday, February 01, 2007

SDA a year late

Kate at SDA discovers Nazanin Afshin-Jam campaign to free an Iranian girl from a death sentence, a year late and a dollar shy. Canada's Most Relevant Womens Rights Activist

I reported on this last June when the MSM missed the press confernce Nazanin held on Parliament Hill with women MP's from all parties raising the issue of her namesake in Iran being sentenced to death for defending herself and her cousin from rapists.

And shock of shocks Kate also says something nice about Belinda Stronach.

Of course thats a cheeky headline, denying that there are other relevant womens rights activists in Canada but what do you expect from a rightwhingnutbar. Most of the Blogging Tories have ignored this important campaign.

And while she praises
Nazanin Afshin-Jam and Belinda I wonder how much Kate donated for Nazanin Fateh's release. Since this is the first time she even bothered to blog about this important Canadian initiated campaign. Put money where mouth is.

Islamic Court Frees Iranian Teen From Death Sentence
CNW Telbec (Communiqués de presse), Canada - 5 hours ago
31 /CNW/ -- After two grueling years in prison, Iranian teen Nazanin Fatehi was released today and spared from her original death sentence following an ...
Former Miss Canada helps free jailed Iranian teen CBC British Columbia
Canadian-led campaign wins Iran teen's freedom Toronto Star
Islamic Court in Iran Spares Teenage Girl From Death Penalty

What is important to remember about this campaign is not just that it was about sexism of Sharia law in Iran but also about racism in Iran. Nazanin Fatehi is Kurdish.

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