Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Year of the Pig and the Liberal Green Alliance

Remember this is the year of the Red/Golden pig in Taoist astrology.

The last time the Liberals did something stupid was in the year of the monkey and that ended up with a minority government under Paul Martin.

This year we have the marriage of the Liberals and Greens under Dion and May.
As Hexagram 31 of the I Ching says for the year of the pig; Some that marry young women get fortunes through it.

Of course this does not say 'good' fortune, just fortunes. And some fortunes can be bad.

The Liberals may have bought a pig in a poke with their alliance with the Greens.


Prince Charles Agrees With Elizabeth May

Green Nazi's

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1 comment:

  1. The editorial in the Toronto Star sures seems to tie May with Dion together, in a one-two punch rhetorical knockdown:

    May 02, 2007 04:30 AM
    It's time to cool the rhetoric on global warming. While there's room for debate on climate change, demonizing people who hold a different view won't do the planet any good.
    Canadians need to strike the best balance between economic growth and driving down greenhouse gas emissions. Not to try to outdo each other in name-calling.
    Green Party Leader Elizabeth May set a new low this week when she called Prime Minister Stephen Harper's green plan "worse than Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of the Nazis."
    And she isn't alone in over-the-top rhetoric. Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion calls Harper a climate change "denier," which sounds suspiciously like Holocaust denier.
    And on the other side, some favour ugly epithets such as "eco-Nazis," "enviro-fascists" and "eco-hysteria" to describe those who want Ottawa to take stronger action.
    Leaders in the fight against climate change have also been accused of "eco-apartheid," meaning they are elitist white environmentalists who have cut visible minorities out of the debate.
    In short, too many people on every side prefer to hurl insults at one another rather than hold a constructive conversation on the contentious and complex issue of how best to fight climate change.
    Let's have some civility here. Canadians need to pull together to create a more environmentally sustainable economy and combat global warming. Polarization and nasty slurs just add to the heat.
