Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How Times Change

Huge papier mache statues of the great builders of Quebec were among the flags and marching bands in a boisterous parade Sunday that marked Quebec's Fete nationale provincial holiday. Former premier Rene Levesque was featured along with explorer Samuel de Champlain in the march,

Samuel de Champlain father of New France, founder of Quebec City, would be considered a pederast by today's Harpocrite government.

And while Conservatives and conservatives hearken back to the good old days of traditional values, this is not a 'traditional value' they support since they have lobbied for twenty years to change of age of consent from 14 to 16.

Champlain achieved at the beginning of the winter an important gesture:
on December 27, 1610, aged at least 30 years, he signed a marriage contract with a 12-year-old girl, Helene Boullé. Because of her youth, it is specified that the marriage was to be carried out only after two years had elapsed. The engagement took place two days later and, on December 30, the bridal blessing was given in the church of Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois, in Paris. Promised a dowry (6 000ª), Champlain received 4.500ª the day before, which is an invaluable supplement for his company.

Of course this wasn't a sexual/love marriage but one for financial purposes. Merely a marriage of convenience. Altogether now let's repeat; Marriage is a sacred institution.

Luckily for Champlain his marriage would not be annulled under Bill C-22.

Bill C-22 was passed by the Justice Committee on Thursday, April 19th, 2007 with one amendment. The government’s original Bill, which raises the age of sexual consent from 14 to16, would have allowed an exemption to the new law if the couple involved in the existing relationship were married, or in a common-law relationship or were in a relationship which had produced or where they were expecting a child. The Bill, as amended by the Committee, proposes to allow relationships between 15 year olds and adults who are more than five years older, to continue to be legal, as long as the people involved are married.

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  1. Samuel de Champlain father of New France, founder of Quebec City, would be considered a pederast by today's Harpocrite government.

    And while Conservatives and conservatives hearken back to the good old days of traditional values, this is not a 'traditional value' they support since they have lobbied for twenty years to change of age of consent from 14 to 16.

    Of course this wasn't a sexual/love marriage but one for financial purposes. Merely a marriage of convenience. Altogether now let's repeat; Marriage is a sacred institution.

    That last line exactly. Which is why right wingers, whether fitting into your offhand definition of "conservative" or not, treat disgusting French twats like Champlain or Svend Robinson as the proper abominations that they are.

  2. Svend is not French. Nor is he or Champlain technically 'twats'.
