Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Hey Ed You Were In Cabinet

Farmer Ed the man who is now Alberta CEO was in cabinet when this happened.

Albertans were shortchanged by as much as $2 billion annually over the last three years because the government failed to act on its own energy department's royalty recommendations, the auditor general has reported.

Oh yeah and he was Minister of Agriculture when this happened.
Province's farm fuel benefits program at centre of costly controversy

The provincial government sat on a report for seven years that outlined massive failures in policing its $100-million-a-year farm fuel benefit program, before similar concerns were raised by Alberta’s auditor general in 2006.

Now it must explain how Albertans can be sure the almost $1-billion spent on the program in that time was used wisely, said Liberal critic Hugh MacDonald.

Stelmach defended over farm fuel flap

"Premier Stelmach was the minister who identified the issue, period," said Sands. "First, Minister Stelmach ordered a renewal of the applications for the program in 1998. Second, Minister Stelmach ordered an internal review of the that very process. That's the document being banded about today - the very one Minister Stelmach ordered."

But Stelmach left the portfolio in May 1999, Sands said, and the internal review wasn't completed until a month later.

That doesn't explain why, in the following eight years that he was in other cabinet roles, Stelmach didn't notice that the most significant complaint against the program - that it had no way of verifying whether participants were eligible - hadn't been fixed, said Liberal critic Hugh MacDonald. It also doesn't explain why three more agriculture ministers after him didn't follow through, either.

In fact, the issue wasn't raised again until a 2003 recommendation from the auditor general that the portion of the program offering a rebate on diesel purchases was a "high risk" due to its low number of audits.

And his Tired Old Tory policies of government fiscal ineptitude have followed him as the unelected Premier. Instead of rent and condo controls the government shoveled out money to renters to pay for rent increases. And that too has turned into another boondoggle.What kind of fiscal conservative would do that? The kind that have been in power way, way, too long.

Nearly three-in-10 claims granted from a fund to help stave off homelessness were improperly approved -- but no fraud has been found, a provincial audit has concluded.

An internal investigation into the $7-million fund -- which is expected to balloon to $21 million by the end of the year -- found more than $60,000 of the nearly $200,000 put under the microscope was handed out without proper checks and balances.

The opposition wants the auditor general to look at Alberta's Homeless and Eviction Prevention Fund.

NDP Leader Brian Mason says an internal audit that isn't worth the paper it's written on. He says that's because the auditors only interviewed the staff administering the program.

Those are the same people whom news reports earlier this year suggested were ordered to hand out program money without proper documentation in the first place.

Nope no fraud just business as usual in Alberta.

And just to show how out of touch Prince Edward is.....

"The real test will come at the next general election," Stelmach stressed because "Alberta does not run on autopilot"

Ha, Ha, Ha, please stop it.

Transparency Alberta Style

Stelmach the Perfect Strom

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